
My Dog Tulip Trailer + Rant! Hooray! :D

I'm sorry I don't have a film to review today. I went to the first performance of one of my good friends band which was also the CD release show for another friend of mine. So, I didn't get a chance to watch something today, but I will tomorrow. This has just been a rough week for my movie log. :( I feel like I'm letting the 4 of you who read this down. Rest assured, I will have a movie marathon soon and review the crap out of stuff!!!!!

In the meantime, I found this trailer for a film that I will probably bawl during. If you know anything about films with dogs, they ALWAYS die and I'm ALWAYS depressed for a few days after I watch it. But this movie just looks all around heartwarming.

It was on IMDB's homepage and it looks marvelous. I absolutely love that animation and, from what it looks like, they have captured the personality and quirks of a misbehaving German Shepherd perfectly.

Doesn't look like it'll be in Columbus soon. I'll use my completely legal <_< >_> sources and see what I can turn up.

Insight to me:
Anyone who knows me, knows that I love dogs more than people. I can spend hours scratching a belly or just petting a cute face. I owe it all to my old dog, Bentley.
This is him sleeping after a long day of playing in Lake Michigan. We had to put him down about a year and a half ago. He had a bunch of tumors that made it so he couldn't lift his head. Ever since having him, I have loved dogs. So, I'm excited to see My Dog Tulip. Just figured I would share that little piece of my life with you. Depressing though it may be, Bentley was probably the best thing to ever happen to me.

Facebook tells me that I will love the new movie Let Me In but, the thing is, I LOVED Let The Right One In (the original version of this; Let Me In is just a remake). Have we learned nothing from Quarantined vs. [REC]? Or The Strangers vs. Them? Even classics like Planet of the Apes and Psycho aren't safe!

Side-note: Someone thought it was intelligent to put Vince Vaughan in a role that was once played by Anthony Perkins. And, whereas Susan Sarandon was once gorgeous (See: Rocky Horror Picture Show), she is no Janet Leigh. I digress...

Why does America feel the need to take something creative/unique and bash the life out of it until it is nothing but a puddle of vapid pulp? Is it really that financially stupendous of a move? The remake of Psycho didn't do well at all, and that was directed by Gus Van Sant. I heard that Steven Spielberg was thinking of doing a remake of Oldboy (I think it fell through, but even so... C'mon).

I just hate the fact that Hollywood isn't about art anymore. It's solely about profit. I mean, back in the day when America was pumping out films to attempt to compete with Germany, France, and Italy, there were some seriously phenomenal films being made. Nowadays, you have to search the independent companies to find something good. I'm not saying that Hollywood doesn't make good films, Pixar pumps those out like it's nobodies business. What I'm saying is that the quality of mainstream film has severely taken a dive.

The other argument I have heard is a lot of people saying, "I don't like reading the subtitles." I was the same way too... When I was 5. It's 1 hour and some odd minutes of reading. Are we really that lackluster of a culture that we can't even stand reading 2 lines at a time every 4 seconds for an hour? If you have read this far, you have probably read through half a film.

I beg of you, next time you see a shot-for-shot remake coming out, like Let Me In, DON'T SEE IT! Watch the original instead.
If you DO feel like watching the remake, I'm not saying pirating is an option, but I'm saying it's prevalent in culture today. Or get 30 people together and watch a copy that someone got from Netflix. 1 person paying for it seems better than 30.

I'll step off the soap box now. I just had to get that out of my system.

Roll Credits.

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