
Only one review this time + User Submitted Day!

Scott Pilgrim vs. The World (Edgar Wright, 2010)

I thought this movie looked good from the moment I finished watching the first trailer. It's one of those films that I would have gone and seen opening night, but I wasn't in the area of my favorite movie theater (Gateway Film Center), so I watched it a few days later. My roommate, however, saw it opening night and had this to say:
"Just saw Scott Pilgrim vs. The World. Dude. Seriously one of the best movies that will ever be made. I can't say that with enough conviction. There are literally no words to describe that movie. If you don't see it, it will be one of the biggest mistakes of your life, if not the biggest."
How could I not go and see it after that praise?

The thing is, he was entirely correct. This was one of the most uniquely directed films that I have ever seen. I have been this blown away by such refreshing creativity since Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind. Scott Pilgrim vs. The World literally looks like you are watching a graphic novel on a giant projected screen. Except, you don't have to piece together how one frame gets to the other, they do that for you. This film is quirky and just all around a really fun experience.

For those of you who don't know the storyline, Bass player Scott Pilgrim (Michael Cera (Superbad, Youth in Revolt, Juno)) looks to win over the affection of Ramona Flowers (Mary Elizabeth Winstead (Live Free or Die Hard, Death Proof, Factory Girl)). In order to do so, he has to defeat her seven evil ex's.

The special effects are incredible. I usually hate most live action films with heavy CG, but this intergrades it so well that it is hard to hate. I feel kind of bad because everyone who I have talked to who has seen this film has absolutely gushed, so I wish I could find something I really didn't like about this but, honestly, there wasn't much. It flows so well, it's not too long or too short, the fight scenes were fantastically choreographed, GAH! I'll wrap it up before it gets any less coherent.

★★★★★ - Go see it. Leave your computer right now and go see this film. I promise you it's worth however much you are about to spend.

User Submissions Day:
I'll think up a better title, but I want you to send me the names of films you want me to review and on Tuesdays, I'll have my User Submission Day. The only thing is this: Try to make them somewhat easy to find. Don't send me the name of a film in which 20 copies were made and now is incredibly impossible to find. Other than that, when sending me a film, try to find it on IMDB or Wikipedia and send me the link. If you say "Nightmare on Elm Street" I won't know which one to watch, the original or the remake? Then I get flustered and watch both and then it's just bad news bears. Send submissions to Kevinopatrick@gmail.com.
So, basically, send me this format:
Name: (Just use your first name and last initial)
Film Title(s):
IMDB or Wiki link(s):
Anything else you want to say:

Roll credits.


  1. I absolutely loved this movie too! So so good. I'll have to think up something for you to review :)

  2. wow picture at the end scares me lol found you on 20somethingbloggers.com and you said you like time travel. you should review "eternal sunshine of a spotless mind"...what did you think? One of my favorite movies personally. I love how Jim finally breaks out of his same old funny guy character.

  3. I was actually going to do a "My favorites" post soon and Eternal Sunshine will definitely be there. :)

  4. I'll definitely have to check this out.
